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[환경] Nepal - REDD Emission Reductions Program for Thirteen Terai Arc Landscape Districts Project :Benefit Sharing Plan

네팔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-04-01 등록일 : 2020-07-22 원문링크

The Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) has beendeveloped in anticipation of benefits to be generatedresulting from the implementation of the Emission Reductions(ER) Program in 13 districts of Nepal’s Terai Arc Landscape(TAL). The ER Program is the country’s first of its kindsub-national, results-based program, and it strives toreduce deforestation and forest degradation through acombination of enabling conditions and sustainable forestmanagement practices. The advanced draft BSP was designedthrough the consultative, transparent and participatoryprocess for the ER Program. The BSP describes the various ERProgram beneficiaries, their eligibility, roles andresponsibilities, as well as the scale and modalities forbenefit distribution. Additionally, the BSP describes thetype of benefits to be distributed to the beneficiaries, thetiming of the distribution, the conditions (roles andresponsibilities) to be satisfied for the distribution ofbenefits, and the relevant institutional arrangements forensuring benefits distribution. The BSP builds on theindicative benefit sharing arrangements proposed in theEmission Reductions Program Document (ERPD) for the ERProgram and includes information on aspects emphasized inthe FCPF Methodological Framework and the FacilityManagement Team Note (July 2019). It is the result andsynthesis of recommendations and suggestions made bymultiple stakeholders including, indigenous peoples (IPs)and marginalized groups (i.e., women, Dalits, Madhesis, andMuslims), forest user groups and their federations (activeat local, provincial and federal levels of government)during participatory and inclusive consultations led by experts.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
