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[보건] Protecting Child Health From Air Pollution in India

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Indian Pediatrics 발간일 : 2024-06-10 등록일 : 2024-06-20 원문링크

Recent research has underscored the diverse ways in which air pollution detrimentally affects child health in India. Notably, India shoulders one of the highest burdens of mortality of children under five years of age globally due to exposure to air pollution. Distinct mitigation strategies are vital to reduce air pollution exposure and its resultant health burdens among children in India when compared to strategies applicable in the global West. This necessity arises due to the substantial influence of residential combustion of solid fuels, and considerable disparities prevalent among India’s population. Addressing these unique challenges requires widespread awareness, community engagement, and sustainable policies. As India embarked on a mission to reduce air pollution, showcasing health benefits linked to interventions is crucial. Augmenting access to health data is equally essential to bolster evidence-based policymaking aimed at reducing the child health burden stemming from air pollution in India.

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