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[사회] Bangladesh: Gender Equality Diagnostic of Selected Sectors

방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Asian Development Bank 발간일 : 2018-01-30 등록일 : 2020-03-06 원문링크

This report presents an ADB-commissioned study to form the gender strategy of Bangladesh through the gender diagnostic of the sectors of urban development, transport, energy, and education.
Over the last two decades, Bangladesh has made progress in women’s participation in the labor force, gender parity in primary education, and women’s political representation. Areas of concern include the high prevalence of violence against women, obstacles to women’s access to resources and assets, unequal terms of their labor engagement, and impact of their overwhelming responsibility for care work. The Government of Bangladesh has made policy commitments toward gender equality and established an institutional framework to fulfill these.

This publication intends to support the government in its attempt to address persisting gender inequalities and gaps through a multisector approach across policies, programs, and projects. It provides insights into gender issues in urban; transport; energy; and skills, vocational, and tertiary education, and gives suggestions for strengthening gender mainstreaming in projects.

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