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남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Shahnawaz A. Mantoo Journal of South Asian Studies 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-02-24 원문링크

A relatively large number of Pakistanis known as the Bihari community have been stranded in Bangladesh since its independence in 1971. The objective of this paper is to analyze the status of the Bihari people and their problems. This paper argues that the Bihari community suffers from identity crisis of being Bangladeshis and Pakistanis or being refugees and minorities that are deprived of fundamental rights. The unresolved repatriation problem is a consequence of deliberate procrastination and political indecision on the part of both Bangladesh and Pakistan governments. Neither of these governments have done much to resolve the problem of the Bihari community. The need of the hour is to resolve the problem so that these people can live a happy and dignified life and save the future of these refugees. Both governments should realize the magnitude of the problem and should adopt an amicable way in order to resolve it.

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