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전체(1,327건) 페이지 64/67
세미나 목록
번호 [지역]제목 기간 첨부 조회수
67 [중남미] Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo 2018-06-11 ~ 2018-06-12 - 7916
66 [아프리카ㆍ중동] Inaugural Interdisciplinary and International Conference: Spirituality in the 21st Century 2018-06-17 ~ 2018-06-19 - 7668
65 [중동부유럽] The 8th Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education – CLIE-2018 2018-07-05 ~ 2018-07-07 - 7246
64 [중남미] ITU Kaleidoscope 2018 - Machine learning for a 5G future 2018-11-26 ~ 2018-11-28 - 7765
63 [아프리카ㆍ중동] 1st International Conference on Medical Humanities in the Middle East 2018-11-17 ~ 2018-11-18 - 7582
62 [중동부유럽] 3rd Summer Seminar in Marketing: Workshop on Marketing and Consumer Behaviour - Current Challenges 2018-07-06 ~ 2018-07-06 - 7166
61 [중남미] Argus Latin America Motor Fuels Conference 2018-05-24 ~ 2018-05-25 - 7917
60 [아프리카ㆍ중동] International Conference on Business Economics, Marketing Management & Social Sciences Innovation 2018-06-05 ~ 2018-06-06 - 7611
59 [중동부유럽] International Conference on Information Technology Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018-06-02 ~ 2018-06-03 - 7159
58 [중동부유럽] 4th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for all - ICLEL 18 2018-07-03 ~ 2018-07-05 - 7230
57 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] Translation Forum Russia 2018 2018-08-24 ~ 2018-08-26 - 7325
56 [아프리카ㆍ중동] International Conference on Economics, Business and Multidisciplinary Research in Social Sciences (EBMRS-JUNE-2018) 2018-06-15 ~ 2018-06-16 - 7429
55 [중동부유럽] 4th Globex International Conference on Education, Prague 2018-05-26 ~ 2018-05-27 - 7300
54 [아프리카ㆍ중동] 아프리카 ODA 사업에 대한 비즈니스적 접근 2018-05-25 ~ 2018-05-25 - 7482
53 [중남미] ‘제7차 한·브라질 비즈니스포럼’ 개최 2018-05-16 ~ 2018-05-16 5151
52 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences 2018-06-23 ~ 2018-06-24 - 7488
51 [아프리카ㆍ중동] International Conference on Economics, Business and Management 2018-08-14 ~ 2018-08-15 - 7548
50 [아프리카ㆍ중동] AFRE International Conference on Technology Communication, Software Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences 2018-06-05 ~ 2018-06-06 - 7556
49 [중동부유럽] Belgrade BioInformatics Conference 2018 2018-06-18 ~ 2018-06-22 - 6955
48 [아프리카ㆍ중동] 문재인 정부의 대외정책 과제와 추진전략: 동북아플러스책임공동체와 한반도 신경제구상을 중심으로 2018-05-21 ~ 2018-05-21 6786