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[정치] Gabriel Boric Assumes Office in Chile

칠레 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - SWP 발간일 : 2022-03-09 등록일 : 2022-11-13 원문링크

On 19 December 2021, Gabriel Boric won the run-off of the Chilean presidential elec­tion with 55.9 percent of votes, 11.8 percentage points ahead of José Antonio Kast. That day voter participation in Chile reached a historic high (55.6 percent) since the abolition of mandatory voting. This great mobilisation helped Boric – who had finished second in the first round – to victory. The newly elected president therefore has a solid democratic foundation, but Chileans have also invested great hopes in him. Fur­thermore, the new head of government will have to contend with the tensions between two institutions: a Constitutional Convention and a Congress that is divided along party lines. His four-year mandate, starting on 11 March, could be both the last under the “Pinochet Constitution” and the start of a democratic transformation.

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