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[기업] Exploring the Influence of Corporate Reputation and Image, Mediated by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices, on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Georgia Holiday Tourism company in Georgia

조지아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 발간일 : 2024-06-01 등록일 : 2024-06-05 원문링크

This study  scrutinizes  the  intricate  dynamics  between  corporate  reputation,  corporate  social responsibility  (CSR)  practices,  branding  strategies,  and  customer  satisfaction  within  the  tourism sector,  employing  Georgia  Holiday  as  a  focal  point.  Employing  a  mixed-methods  approach, qualitative interviews with senior managers elucidated nuanced insights, subsequently informing the development  of  a  comprehensive  conceptual  model.  Subsequently,  a  structured  questionnaire facilitated quantitative analysis, culminating in robust findings. Mediation analysis delineated the dual pathways  through  which  CSR  practices  impact  customer  satisfaction,  both  directly  and  indirectly mediated by corporate reputation and branding strategies. Hypotheses testing affirmed the positive relationships  posited,  accentuating  the  pivotal  role  of  CSR  practices  and  corporate  reputation  in shaping  customer  perceptions  and  loyalty.  This  research  extends  scholarly  understanding  of  the interplay between these constructs and offers strategic implicationsfor industry practitioners.

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