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[외교/안보] US-Russia Rivalry in the 21st Century: New Cold War and Russian Resurgence in the Changing Global Power Dynamics

러시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Spry Contemporary Educational Practices 발간일 : 2024-05-21 등록일 : 2024-05-31 원문링크

Introduction: The Russia-Ukraine conflict, involving major powers, has profoundly impacted global peace and security, sparking initial fears of nuclear escalation. Rooted in various factors, Russia's claim to Ukrainian territory stems from linguistic and familial ties, compounded by perceived American betrayal of promises made during the Cold War's end. NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe further strained relations, culminating in the Euro-Maidan Revolution. The alignment of Russian and Chinese interests against the United States signals a new Cold War dynamic. However, scholarly discourse debates whether this rivalry is a new phenomenon or a continuation of past tensions. Methodology: This paper employs qualitative research methodology to examine the authenticity of American promises to the Soviet Union regarding NATO's non-expansion. Through qualitative analysis, it seeks to unravel the complexities of geopolitical negotiations and ascertain the extent to which these promises were upheld. Results/Findings: The study sheds light on the historical antagonism between Russia and the United States, contextualizing the current conflict within this broader narrative. It highlights the ramifications of broken promises and geopolitical maneuvering, revealing the intricate dynamics of global power struggles. Future Direction: Further research is needed to explore the implications of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on international relations and global security. Investigating the evolving dynamics of the Sino-Russian partnership and its impact on the geopolitical landscape will provide valuable insights into the trajectory of contemporary power dynamics. Additionally, examining the role of regional actors and the potential for diplomatic resolutions to mitigate tensions is essential for fostering lasting peace in the region.

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