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[경제] Market Research to Assess the Business Opportunity of Women’s Markets for Financial Services in Uzbekistan

우즈베키스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-11-11 등록일 : 2022-11-20 원문링크

Many banking needs of women, either for their businesses or for themselves and their families, are not yet met in Uzbekistan. This means financial institutions (FIs) leave a significant market underserved. Uzbek women express a strong desire for more convenience in banking, with reduced waiting lines, and friendly and helpful staff. Women-led businesses face additional challenges with access to finance, information, and markets. Most FIs in Uzbekistan are yet to understand and capitalize on the potential to offer targeted banking services to women. Research conducted for this study serves as a basis to estimate the business volumes and potential revenues for women as business banking/MSMEs and retail clients in Uzbekistan under three settings. While the transformational market potential for FIs is significant, their legacy positions are under threat from disruptors and foreign entrants. To address this opportunity, FIs should start making client-centricity a strategic priority. They should measure and analyze data, establish a gender-inclusive mindset, and develop holistic value propositions for women and women-led businesses. Making client-centricity the basic principle for organizing FIs’ retail and (M)SME operations is at the heart of moving towards success in this new setting. IFC can help FIs build internal and external capacity to mobilize their potential by providing technical assistance across all stages, through diagnostics and capability development, piloting quick fixes, and go-to market strategy development.

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