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[교육] TV-Based Learning in Bangladesh : Is it Reaching Students?

방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-07-16 등록일 : 2020-07-22 원문링크

Is TV-based learning during COVID-19school closures in Bangladesh reaching students? Moststudents (86 percent) within our sample of more than 2,000Grade 9 stipend recipients are aware of government providedTV-based learning programs; yet only half of the studentswith access to these programs choose to access them. Also,very few students (21 percent) have access to governmentprovided online learning programs, and among those that do,only about 2 percent choose to access them. There is aperceptible decline in the time students spend studying athome after school closures. This may be linked to the factthat 1 in 2 parents claim they are unable to help theirchildren with new topics. Despite lower education, mothersare significantly more likely to be involved in the child’seducation compared to fathers. Most students (90 percent)claim they have a supportive environment at home forstudying. This is true for both boys and girls. Finally,nearly 65 percent of households in our sample reportdeclines in income and 28 percent had to decrease the amountof food consumed within the household in the previous week.

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