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[경제] Republic of Congo : Staff Report-Press Release; Staff Report; Debt Sustainability Analysis, and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Congo

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - IMF 발간일 : 2019-07-24 등록일 : 2020-10-29 원문링크

The Republic of Congo was hit hard by the oil price shock and delayed fiscal adjustment, amidst governance challenges and unsustainable debt. While program negotiations were long and complex, the authorities made decisive progress in 2018 and early 2019 with decisive fiscal consolidation, and the implementation of a large package of structural reforms, including two rounds of prior actions to improve governance and transparency. In addition, financing assurances have been secured.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
