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[농촌경제] Evaluation of the Potential of Small-scale Irrigation VIVA Benoue and VIVA Logone

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-06-18 등록일 : 2020-09-18 원문링크

In Cameroon, a country of nearly 24 million inhabitants, poverty affects 60 percent of the rural population, with significant regional disparities (WFP 2018). This poor population is concentrated in the three northern regions of the country (North, Far North, Adamawa). In these three regions, food security remains precarious because production does not keep up with population growth. All the rural population and most of the urban populations in the North and Far North depend on local agricultural and livestock production for food, which exposes them to soaring costs of imported products during food shortages. An overall water deficit exists in almost the entirety of the North and Far North regions, while south of Adamawa is in surplus over the whole year. Chronic drought in the North and Far North, and overabundance of water, on the contrary, during the rainy season in the south of the country are the main climatic limits to agricultural production. Most of the agriculture being rainfed is the primary constraint in northern Cameroon. A diminished rainy season automatically translates into a production deficit and increased food insecurity. Due to its limited development, irrigated agriculture is of marginal importance despite the many advantages that the country enjoys. Most of the crops still come from rain-fed production, which is highly sensitive to rainfall quantities. It is mainly oriented towards the production of rice, bananas and vegetables. Crop calendars vary from region to region. In the northern regions rice is cultivated twice a year, in the dry season via irrigation and in the rainy season with additional irrigation, if necessary. Vegetable crops (onion, okra, eggplant) are grown in two irrigated campaigns in the off-season (November-January and February-April).

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