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[지역] Relative agricultural aptitude of the Tuxpan municipality, Nayarit, using Almagra Model of the MicroLEIS System

중남미 일반 국외연구자료 학술논문 José López García, Diego de la Rosa Acosta, José Irán Bojórquez Serrano Investigaciones Geográficas 발간일 : 2012-12-31 등록일 : 2018-06-08 원문링크

Agricultural land evaluation in the fluvial-marine plain within the municipality of Tuxpan, Nayarit, was carried out based onto a semi-detailed soil survey. Relative agricultural aptitude was evaluated, through out a modified Almagra’s model of MicroLeis 4.1 system, defining a new model: the Almagra-Tuxpan, based on the specific conditions of the zone. Using the Almagra-Tuxpan model, a software routine was written to evaluate the agricultural aptitude of twelve traditional crops (bean, sorghum, maize, tobacco (Virginia and Burley), chili, tomato, melon, watermelon, jícama, peanut, and cotton), after that, the relative agricultural aptitude was determined for every one of the mapped soils units. 21.73 % of the soils have a very good aptitude for the majority of the evaluated farming, 59.98 % have a moderate aptitude, and the remaining 18.43 % have no capacity at all. Generally speaking, excluding the units with null capacity, the soils of this municipality are suitable for farming cotton, maize and sorghum. The last two, are already intensely cultivated, meanwhile cotton will be a very good alternative for the region.

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