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[지역] 영국의 팔레스타인 위임통치와 시온주의프로젝트

아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국내연구자료 기타 홍미정 한국이슬람학회 발간일 : 2015-06-08 등록일 : 2017-07-04 원문링크

This article analyzes the Zionists Project of British Mandate to elucidate the cause of the current Israeli/Palestinian Conflicts. During the Mandate period(1920-1948), The British government created the racial discrimination in Palestine as supporting the Jewish-Zionists, Immigrants and excluding Muslim•Christian-Arabs, Natives. The British government and Zionists were the major collaborators to control Palestine as keeping and strengthening the racial discrimination policies. In the result, the current unstable political structure in Palestine was established by British Mandate policies. The purpose of British Zionists Projects was for British to control the strategic location, Palestine and they expressly presented the construction of the Jewish State for Jewish people as the goal. During the Mandate period, Muslim•Christian-Arabs, Natives continued to resist the Zionists Projects involving Jewish massive immigration to Palestine and organized the strong Arab Revolts. As the response to the Arab Revolts, the British Mandate organized the Haycraft Commission of 1921, the Shaw Commission of 1930, the PeelCommission of 1936 and announced Churchill White Paper of 1922, the Passfield White Paper of 1930, MacDonald White Paper of 1939. In this process, there were some advances and retreats of Zionists Projects. But finally, in 1948 Zionists incapacitated Palestinian Arab Natives nearly completely and achieved the goal of Zionism, the construction of the Jewish State, Israel in Palestine.

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