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Study of the Michoacan province of Zamora as a pole of international competitiveness in agriculture

멕시코 국외연구자료 기타 América I. Zamora-Torres, Estefanía Riveros-Figueroa Clio America 발간일 : 2016-08-18 등록일 : 2017-03-16 원문링크

The Zamora Valley is located in Michoacan state, Mexico, it is worldwide recognized locality because of its high performance agricultural production, specialy concerning strawberry export. The current study analyzed the agricultural productivity impact, productive resources, government programs and the company relationship on the Zamora´s international competitiveness. Taking in account that the productive factors, considered in the Marxist theory and the intensity of the Heckscher-Ohlin´s productive factors, which refer to land, capital and work, whereas they are the base from which productivity is generated, it is highlighting that in the current economic system, they need complementary intangible factors.


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