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Training of audio descriptors: the cinematographic aesthetics as basis for the learning of the audio description aesthetics – materials, methods and products

페루 국외연구자료 기타 Soraya Ferreira Alves, Vera Lúcia Santiago Araújo Cadernos de Traducao 발간일 : 2016-06-16 등록일 : 2017-03-09 원문링크

Audio description (AD), a resource used to make theater, cinema, TV, and visual works of art accessible to people with visual impairments, is slowly being implemented in Brazil and demanding qualified professionals. Based on this statement, this article reports the results of a research developed during post-doctoral studies. The study is dedicated to the confrontation of film aesthetics with audio description techniques to check how the knowledge of the former can contribute to audiodescritor training. Through action research, a short film adapted from a Mario de Andrade’s, a Brazilian writer, short story called O Peru de Natal (Christmas Turkey) was produced. The film as well as its audio description were carried out involving students and teachers from the discipline Intersemiotic Translation at the State University of Ceará. Thus, we intended to suggest pedagogical procedures generated by the students experiences by evaluating their choices and their implications.


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