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Establishing rapport: Physicians′ practice and attendees′ satisfaction at a Primary Health Care Center, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2013

사우디아라비아 국외연구자료 기타 Ayat A Al Ali Medknow Publications 발간일 : 2016-09-29 등록일 : 2016-09-29 원문링크

Background: Establishing rapport is an important step in physician-patient communication resulting in a positive effect on patient satisfaction and overall clinical outcomes. However, there is a dearth of studies on the condition of doctor-patient relations in Saudi Arabia. This study was performed to estimate the proportion of physicians who have a good rapport with patients in their practice and the proportion of satisfied attendees. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a Primary Health Care Center, Dammam, KSA. The data were collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire given to samples of attendees and physicians to estimate patient satisfaction and the practice of rapport by physicians. Results: A total of 374 attendees and 27 physicians participated in the study. The percentage of physicians who had good rapport was 51.9%. Factors that showed significant relationship with rapport practice were: Physician′s age (p = 0.016), physician′s experience (p = 0.043), and professional status (p = 0.031). The attendees satisfied with their physician′s rapport with them were 50.5%. Factors that showed significant relationship with satisfaction were: Attendee′s age (p < 0.0001), educational level (p < 0.0001), having a chronic illness (p < 0.0001), having appointment (p < 0.0001), physicians′ professional status (p < 0.0001), and a nonsurgical specialty (p < 0.0001). Conclusion and Recommendation: Physicians′ rapport with patients and patients′ satisfaction with physicians′ empathy is not high. Training is required to optimize physician-patient communication.

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